Sunday, February 27, 2011

I'm now officially convinced..

..that I sleepwalk, I just woke up to find my milk in the pantry next to the cereal. Wtf? Is it bad that I'm more worried about losing half a gallon of milk than the fact that I have no idea how the milk got there?


  1. I actually put the Tylenol in the fridge once. Woke up the next morning with a huge headache and could not find it ANYWHERE.

  2. dont worry, happens to me all the time. the only time i every got worried was when i woke up and all my candles were lit and just sitting the carpet

  3. maybe u had an intruder that wanted to mess with ur day. lolol

  4. dont worry. it was a time lapse :D

  5. It's when you wake up to find a fork in the toaster things get serious! Haha

  6. I had something like this happen to me the other day, it turned out it was my senile grandmother.
